SLFC vs Discrimination




Football vs Homophobia - By working together across football, we can make a difference.

Sporting Loughborough FC fully support the Football vs Homophobia project, helping eradicate all forms of discrimination in football. 

Football v Homophobia exists to challenge discrimination based on sexual orientation, gender identity and expression at all levels in football. As an international initiative FvH engages in campaigning, education, advice and guidance, research, policy consultation and capacity building to:

  1. Make existing football structures safe, welcoming and inclusive for LGBTI people.
  2. Create opportunities and promote engagement of LGBTI people in football at all levels and in all forms.
  3. Improve the representation and visibility of LGBTI people throughout football.
  4. To realise the potential of football in society as a tool to create positive change.

For more information, follow the link here


Sporting Loughborough FC's Vision is to:

  • Tackle all forms of discrimination so that football will be a sport where people flourish in a supportive community, and where fairness is openly and transparently practised and enforced for the good of all participants.
  • To promote awareness of the benefits of equality, inclusion, diversity policies and practices in football.
  • Expose and challenge all aspects of discrimination and unfair practices and conduct at all levels of football.

To find out more, click here

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