Mini Kickers 2024



Here at Sporting Loughborough FC our Mini-Kickers develop football skills and ABC's (Agility, Balance, Coordination) using our

3F system - Fun, Football, Fitness.

If your child is in reception, or between 4-6 years old and is interested in starting their football journey with "Striker" our mascot and our Mini Kickers, please contact us...

Team Manager / Coach : Clarke Hallam

Clarke has been around football his whole life. He has played at a high level reaching Semi-Professional status himself. He comes from good stock as his brother played professionally for Leicester City. Clarke wants his players to enjoy the experience of being part of a team and forging friendships amongst team mates. The core values for Clarke are to ensure the children enjoy their football and develop skills that will help them on and off the pitch as they grow.

Team Administration Manager : John Cherry

John is the Treasurer of the club and Registration Secretary. He looks after the registers of players at training, any financial quieries and you can always find John walking around Lodge Farm on a Saturday with his clipboard

Training Saturdays 9-10am throughout the year on both grass at Lodge Farm and under floodlights on the Charnwood College 3G pitch. Girls & Boys are encouraged to turn up and play throughout the season, and should contact John Cherry on 07486 892019 or

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