Sporting Loughborough Purchase ‘TWO’ Defibrillators
Sporting Loughborough Chairman Pete Arme is delighted to be able to announce that the club has managed to get TWO mobile defibrillators. Following on from the Club’s Campaign on BBC Radio Leicester where Pete was interviewed on a number of occasions regards the importance of Grassroots Football Clubs having this equipment, and in conjunction with a GoFundMe page which relied on donations, and a Charity Donation, these defibrillators are now present at games to safeguard players, parents, guardians and the general public.
Pete said “as a grassroots club we have worked tirelessly to raise awareness of the importance of these defibrillators within grassroots football and the community. We’ve had support from local BBC Radio Leicester with several interviews to help raise the profile. We decided on the back of those interviews to start a GoFundMe page which relied on very kind donations from parents, relatives, the general public and indeed some people who had lost a relative due to Sudden Cardiac Arrest. The generosity was overwhelming and allied with a Charity offering to assist in purchasing a defib, we have been very lucky to get two devices. This means both the junior and senior sites are now protected with a Defibrillator. I would like to thank everyone involved in this campaign, and everyone who donated, shared or even spoke to someone about it…..getting the message out is by far the most important way to educate of the importance of these defibrillators”
Pete went onto say “as a junior football club with this sort of medical safeguard of having a defibrillator, it has made a lot of parents think about where they place their son/daughter when it comes to a Football club……it highlights that Sporting Loughborough F.C. has a higher sense of Safeguarding in that we have ALL our players and relative’s safety as paramount in our minds which is the reason to obtain the defibrillators. This has been a factor in the rise of new players joining the football club recently”
I would like to pay special thanks to Community Wishes, Vasnet and all the kind donations from parents etc on the GoFundMe page.
T: 0748 689 2019
Sporting Loughborough FC, Loughborough's number one football club, offering children aged 4-18, men, women and inclusive and walking football.
For any child welfare concerns, please contact our CWO Joanne Arme on